freezing phase中文什么意思

发音:   用"freezing phase"造句
  • freezing:    adj. 1.凝冻的,极冷的。 2. ...
  • phase:    n. 1.形势,局面,状态;阶级。 ...
  • freezing in:    凝入
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  1. Numerical simulation of freezing phase change process in biological tissue
  2. The changing procedure of soil water infiltration capacities is in keeping with second - degree polynomial change functions in cornfield , sesame field and fallow field and with quartic - degree polynomial change functions in wheat field in unfrozen phase , the changing process of soil water infiltration capacities suit second - degree polynomial change functions in various husbandry condition in frozen phase
  3. The freezing phase refers to the process to understand the needs for change , to inspire unsatisfactory to realism and to breed the desire to spurn the old . at the same time , the influence of the change must be understood and a secure sense must be created . the change phase is a process transiting from the old stage to the new one , which points out the direction of reform , applies transformation and guide the staff to form new attitude and behavior


  1. freezing order 什么意思
  2. freezing out 什么意思
  3. freezing overburden 什么意思
  4. freezing percentage 什么意思
  5. freezing period 什么意思
  6. freezing phenomenon 什么意思
  7. freezing pipe 什么意思
  8. freezing pipe rack 什么意思
  9. freezing plant 什么意思
  10. freezing point 什么意思


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